Golden fin and blue fin in air conditioners 07/11/2022 08:50:00 07/12/2023 17:09:03 Administrator Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa Corrosion can damage the coils and cause leakage of the refrigerant thereby affecting the performance of your air conditioner. Air conditioner Basis Cooling Heat pump Heating
Refrigerant R32 06/02/2020 09:45:00 07/12/2023 16:56:40 Administrator Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa R32 refrigerant is a low global warming potential (GWP) alternative to R410A commonly used in new air conditioning systems. Air conditioner Cooling Heat pump Heating Tech
Inverter and On-off heat pumps 05/07/2020 06:50:00 07/12/2023 16:56:05 Administrator Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa Inverter and non-inverter heat pumps are two different types of units that have their own advantages and disadvantages. Air conditioner Basis Cooling Heat pump Heating
Advantages of air-to-water heat pumps 06/13/2019 12:35:00 07/12/2023 16:53:59 Administrator Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa Efficient heating solution that can potentially provide all three functions of heating, cooling and hot water in one system. Basis Cooling Heat pump Heating
Types of heat pumps for heating buildings 06/16/2018 12:04:00 07/12/2023 16:50:22 Administrator Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa Introduction to the three types of heat pumps for residential and commercial heating. Heat pump Heating
Refrigerant R410A 11/18/2017 14:27:00 07/12/2023 16:47:10 Administrator Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa The refrigerant R-410A is the preferred refrigerant for use in residential and commercial air conditioners. Cooling Heat pump Heating Tech