DomoNexa, Univectra d.o.o.

DomoNexa is the central hub where expertise meets innovation in HVAC, home, and garden equipment.

The origins of DomoNexa

It was in 2007, when the founder of the platform, Tomaž Klemše, was confronted on a daily basis with the fact that heating technology was extremely fragmented among professionals, between whom there was no cooperation and no common goal for a complete heating solution, each working in their own field: trade, consulting, support, various installations, fuel. This approach undoubtedly leads to problems, misunderstandings, blame shifting from one to the other, and the user is still left out in the cold.

In the years that have followed, there have been countless attempts to make life easier for users and professionals, but there were still unresolved problems, misunderstandings and a number of open issues.

With perseverance and determination, faced with the daily problems of users and the demands and needs of tradesmen, various installers, manufacturers, installers, technicians, chimney sweeps, a solution was finally found and in 2016 DomoNexa was conceived as a common platform aimed at a common approach to the total solution of heating needs with a specialization in biomass (wood and pellets).

In 2017, the DomoNexa platform became the reference point for heating homes, offices, workshops, pubs, hairdressers, etc., in a one-stop-shop format for worry-free heating.
How problem solve

Why DomoNexa?

Heating, cooling and ventilating a home can be a complex matter that takes a lot of time and raises many concerns and questions. Understanding the benefits of different systems, technologies and equipment requires additional knowledge and experience in several areas, so it is a good idea to seek additional information and advice from a specialist before making any decisions.

DomoNexa brings together a team of professionals, each specialized in their own field, who work in harmony to make the heating or air conditioning of your home, office or workshop efficient and functional.

If you are considering or buying a heating, air conditioning or ventilation system and you go to a specialist or to a store that is part of the DomoNexa group, you will be able to get expert advice, order the equipment with delivery, access and installation and service before buying or replacing the existing one.

DomoNexa the source of information

On the DomoNexa website, we want to offer useful content to anyone who is interested in, buys or wants to know more about heating, cooling and ventilation equipment and systems, divided into the following sections: News, Products and Technology.

The News section contains announcements and events in the heating, cooling and ventilation sector that are of interest to the user because they provide additional information on trade fairs, tenders and live events.

The Products section informs about new and changing products in the field of furnaces, heat pumps, ventilation and other equipment for comfortable living.

The Technology section is a source of interest and news in the field of heating, cooling and ventilation technology. The articles can be informative or technically in-depth, in short, they are of interest to both the person who wants to keep up to date with technology and the person who wants to deepen the discussion.

Consulting solutions

Product Catalog

DomoNexa works directly with manufacturers of heating, cooling and ventilation equipment to provide you with first-hand information. The aim of the catalog is to provide all the necessary product information, including documentation, in one place. Unlike a traditional catalog, the aim is to provide a practical tool to get the information you need as quickly as possible.