Stainless steel chimney

Why choose a stainless steel chimney?

Stainless steel chimney 07/12/2023 17:09:44 Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa

The chimney is a structure whose task is to transport the fumes produced by heating systems from inside to outside the building. What allows the fumes to escape is the so-called "draft" of the flue, which is the pressure difference that occurs between the inlet and outlet of the flue. The choice of chimney is a very important aspect to evaluate because draft and combustion efficiency are decisive factors in the optimal operation of the system.

Depending on the type of heating system used, the chimney can have different dimensions and be made of different materials, such as metal, plastic, ceramic or concrete. In particular, steel chimneys are made of austenitic steel, a type of stainless steel that contains chromium and nickel. This is a combination that makes this steel resistant to carbon particulates, a material produced by the combustion process that is extremely polluting and corrosive.

As for the types of stainless steel chimneys available, there are basically two: single-walled and double-walled.

The single-wall stainless steel chimney is usually used for the rehabilitation of existing ducts or for installations that are built into the building and insulated with an external liner. The single wall stainless steel chimney, in short, is installed when the chimney is incorporated into the interior structure of the building.

Double-wall stainless steel chimneys, unlike single-wall chimneys, are used in outdoor duct construction because they already contain an insulating liner for vapor heat.

There are many advantages to choosing a stainless steel chimney. First of all, thanks to the characteristics of the material mentioned above, stainless steel makes it possible to optimize the combustion process, reducing consumption and emissions.

Stainless steel is resistant to high temperatures and temperature changes and is characterized by a high mechanical strength, which can make the structure of the chimney stable: a very relevant aspect, especially when the chimney is placed outdoors.

Another advantage of stainless steel chimneys is that the low roughness of the channels prevents the friction of the flue gases on the walls, thus ensuring an effective sealing of the flue gases and preventing the accumulation of soot. It is also impervious to condensation.

Get the best out of your heating system with the benefits of stainless steel flues.

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