Multi split air conditioners

Air conditioners with external and multiple internal components

Multi split air conditioners 07/12/2023 16:52:04 Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa

This type of air conditioning system always requires a larger, more powerful condenser unit, but it allows the same type of indoor unit variants for the single split systems, and even allows different types of indoor units to be powered by the same condenser, e.g. a floor mounted unit in one room, a ceiling cassette in another, and a wall mounted unit in yet another room.

Typically, multi-split systems can connect anywhere from 2 to 5 indoor units to a single outdoor block. The obvious limitation of this air conditioning configuration is that if the outdoor unit fails, all the indoor units are rendered inoperable. For this reason, where outdoor space permits, a number of standard split air conditioners are preferable to a multi-split system. It is also the case that multi split air conditioners are rarely much more cost effective than an equivalent configuration of standard splits.

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