Monoblock Air Conditioners

All in one body

Monoblock Air Conditioners 07/12/2023 16:51:38 Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa

The operation of an air conditioner basically revolves round the flow of refrigerant from one set of coils where it collects heat to a second set of coils where it disperses heat. In monoblock air conditioners the two sets of coils are combined in the same body shell. The units are designed to be located inside the building, however they always have an air pipe to link to outside so that the heated air can be dispersed to outside.

Portable or Mobile Air Conditioners

Perhaps the most familiar type of air conditioner to most consumers, these units do not require special mounting, but come with a flexible air hose that is passed through a window or hole in the wall. Typically, the diameter of the air pipe is about 5" and the pipes are about 2 - 3 m long. The air conditioner discharges hot air through this pipe when in use. Because the compressor is located inside the unit, rather than in an external element as in split units, portable monobloc air conditioners have the disadvantage of being quite noisy and limited in capacity. On the other hand, they do not require installation and are now relatively inexpensive to purchase. Although there are numerous portable air conditioners on the market, the vast majority are small units either 9000 or 12000 btu, we only sell portable units larger than 10000 btu simply because for the vast majority of applications 9000 btu models are simply too small.

Wall air conditioners without outdoor unit

Sometimes called high wall air conditioners, wall mounted monoblock air conditioners are a neat solution for older buildings where the design does not permit the installation of an external condenser unit. The wall mounted monoblock air conditioner is mounted high on the wall and two air ducts are routed from the back directly through the wall. The disadvantage of these air conditioners is that they are slightly larger in depth compared to the split wall mounted unit because the condenser is located inside the wall mounted unit. They usually have a heat pump so that the air can be heated in the winter and cooled in the summer.

Floor mounted air conditioners without outdoor unit

Floor mounted monobloc air conditioners are installed against the wall in the same way as a storage heater and are typically similar in appearance and size to storage heaters. This type of air conditioner usually has a heat pump function, providing very cost effective heating during the colder months. These air conditioners typically have 2 air ducts that run directly from the back of the unit through the wall where the ends are usually covered with small louvers.

Window Air Conditioners

Window air conditioners, or window rattlers as they are called in the trade, used to be the most common configuration of air conditioners. They are almost standard in apartments, houses, offices and cabins in Mediterranean countries and the Middle East. The basic ones can only cool the air, the more expensive ones have a heat pump mode and a remote control. The main disadvantages of window air conditioners are increased noise and the need to install them in the window opening or, more often, through a narrow wall. On the plus side, they are inexpensive and easy to install. Window air conditioners are sometimes referred to as "through the wall" air conditioners, although they generally cannot be mounted in a wall thicker than 9" because the extra depth of the wall will impinge on and block the air flow from the side vents of the units to the outside. Several of our customers find it much cheaper in the long run to operate and replace window air conditioners than to install and maintain split systems. New European efficiency regulations that came into effect in 2013 meant that many manufacturers stopped making this type of air conditioner, and inventories of units made before the regulations came into effect are now gone. The market was almost free of window air conditioners for about 2 years, and now there are some units on the market that are compliant with the new ErP regulations.

Spot Coolers - Industrial Mobile

Spot cooling can be provided by these large mobile monoblock air conditioners. They are heavy duty, powerful and designed to be wheeled onto ships, boats and aircraft to provide temporary cooling of the interior air. Spot coolers can also be used to provide cool air for industrial processes. Unlike small portable air conditioners, spot coolers are designed to sit in the warm outside air and provide cool air to areas they do not occupy. Most have the capacity to deliver cold air through a series of ducts to exactly where the air is needed. The snout tubes, typically mounted on the front of these units, are rigid but adjustable, allowing the flow of cold air to be directed to a preset location.

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