Inverter and On-off heat pumps

What is the Difference Between Inverter and Non-Inverter heat pump?

Inverter and On-off heat pumps 07/12/2023 16:56:05 Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa

The main difference between an inverter and a non-inverter heat pump is the speed of the compressor. An inverter heat pump has a variable speed compressor, while an on-off heat pump has a fixed speed compressor. Variable speed compressors are more energy efficient than their fixed speed counterparts and are also quieter.

An inverter heat pump can adjust the speed of the compressor motor to control the temperature. The use of an inverter allows for greater flexibility in power consumption. Inverter heat pumps are more energy efficient than non-inverters because they can change their power consumption depending on how hot it is outside or if you have multiple people in your home at the same time.

Inverter heat pumps are much more energy efficient than their non-inverter counterparts: they can save up to 30% on electricity compared to non-inverters.

Non-inverter heat pumps use the on/off method, turning the compressor on and off at regular intervals to maintain the desired temperature. This uses more energy than inverters and can cause more wear and tear on your system. Non-inverter compressors do not run at full speed all the time, making them less efficient than their inverter counterparts.

As mentioned earlier, an inverter heat pump uses variable speed compressors that have a wider range of speeds compared to the on/off compressors used by non-inverters. This allows it to operate in more modes that take advantage of different conditions and load requirements, thereby improving its efficiency over a wide range of operating conditions.

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