New pellet inserts from Extraflame 06/06/2022 13:50:00 07/12/2023 16:07:45 Administrator Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa La Nordica-Extraflame's evolved range of pellet inserts will be enriched in 2022 with two new high-performance models. Fireplace Pellet
Wood burning fireplaces 09/03/2021 11:17:00 07/12/2023 16:03:33 Administrator Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa The fireplace is the oldest method of home heating in history. Traditionally, the fireplace is fueled by wood. Fireplace Heating Wood
Why you should upgrade to a wood insert 01/04/2021 12:12:00 07/12/2023 16:01:01 Administrator Univectra d.o.o. DomoNexa Purchasing a fireplace insert is not only a long term investment in your home, but it can also result in short-term energy savings as well. Fireplace Heating Wood